1. Introducing Ert

    Hello everyone! My name is Ert, and last month I joined dxw as a product manager. I had an amazing first day, and was spoiled with loads of warm welcome messages, gifts and heaps of interesting conversations. You can tell so much about the company culture on your first day, and I must say I […]

  2. Introducing Laura

    Hi, I’m Laura and I’ve just finished my 6th week as a developer at dxw. I’ve been a developer for nearly 19 years. I started in September 1999 as a junior web developer at Southwark College, and my most recent role was as a Ruby on Rails developer for a blockchain fintech startup called Bitpesa. […]

  3. Housing in crisis: how can design help?

    Last week, I attended  ‘Design on the inside’, where five brilliant people spoke up about their experience and involvement in solving difficult social challenges. The topic was “Housing in crisis – how can design help?” Food for thought:  Get passionate people together and let them share and discuss their experiences, challenges on how they work […]

  4. Introducing Olivia

    Hi Everyone, My name is Olivia and I am a Trainee Operations Engineer at dxw. I changed my career path from from office administration into technology because I was always the go-to person for IT support although that was not my initial role. I decided to take a career break which allowed me to explore […]

  5. SPA Conference Report: Day 3

    DAY 3 Well what would you do next…? – John Armstrong-Prior Making decisions is one of the most painful areas for me, in life and in work, so I felt I had to go to the workshop that would test and exercise this. It’s a constant battle whether to practice and exercise the things I […]

  6. SPA Conference – Day 2: overcoming hurdles and reaching goals as a developer

    Read about the first day here Session 1: ‘What would YOU Call This Workshop?’ And Other Powerful Questions by Tim Bourguignon & Amitai Schleier It was really useful to look at the kinds of questions we generate. For example, I noticed that I tend to formulate closed questions. Closed questions aren’t necessarily “bad” or unhelpful, […]