Introducing Ming

Hello everyone, my name is Ming. I started working at dxw as a designer two months ago.

My background

I was born and bred in Hong Kong. I started my career as a programmer in some banks in Hong Kong and then I moved on to become a web designer and engaged in a lot of media production projects when I found my interest in multimedia, especially web and graphic design, photography and video production. I was lucky enough to have a chance of working in Yahoo! Hong Kong where I had a great period of time and met a lot of talented people. When I found that quite a lot of those talented colleagues have studied or worked overseas, I had a question – what if I move abroad and get a different life experience too? Will I become as good as them? In November 2009, I quit my job, left Hong Kong and moved to London on my own with a one-way ticket to try to find the answer.

Living in London

To be honest, moving abroad on your own is quite scary to someone like me. Luckily, I have only struggled a bit at the beginning and I settled down quite well. My plan was to stay in London for 1 year and was happy to work in any position and industry, but now I’ve been living in London and working as a Designer / Front-end Developer for almost 9 years. I met a lot of great people, had a lot of fun, grew up both as a person and as a web professional (and finished a master’s degree in Goldsmiths College, too). The journey has been way more fruitful than I thought.

Start working at dxw

Early this year, I had been working in a digital marketing agency in London for five and a half years. I loved the company as well as the people (and the Westie dog!) and of course I learnt a lot. However, due to some personal experience, I was thinking if I can get a chance to contribute myself more to society rather than just focusing on commercial or retailing projects all my life. Therefore I left my job for a sabbatical, spent a few months off in Hong Kong and London and then started to look for that ideal opportunity. When dxw came to me and told me about their history and the chance of working for the public sector, I could not think of a better place. Luckily, I was hired? It has been two months working at dxw already and I love every single bit of it. The environment is super friendly and welcoming. I learnt a lot from my colleagues and I am still learning every day. As an immigrant, I feel grateful to have the opportunity to contribute back to the society. Now I do not have a plan for the future, because I am already living my ideal life. I just want to get on with it as long as I can?

Other things about me

I may look skinny and weak sometimes, but I am a big fan of sports especially tennis (both watching and playing) and football (Yay Manchester United!) I also love all kinds of music including Britpop (it began way before I moved to Britain). I still love things like art & design, photography and filmmaking but after so many years I honestly found that making website could be the most intriguing thing to me. I hope you don’t mind if I chat with you about web design and development at leisure time ?