Blog posts by Farrah Farhoudi

  • Our flexible working policy at dxw

    We recognise that different people have different needs and want to provide a working environment that’s welcoming and empowering for all.

  • Conference Perk: Tech Inclusion San Francisco

    At dxw, one of the perks everyone gets is the opportunity to attend a conference annually. Farrah and I both wanted to make the most of our conference perk and go to a new place. We fancied going to something techy, so last month we headed to San Francisco. We began thinking about what we […]

  • My first three months at dxw

    Thrown into the hustle and bustle at dxw from the get-go, my introductory blog post seems to have eluded me (I succeeded in avoiding it until it was mentioned to me a week ago). Fast forward three months, this is now my ‘how my three-month internship went’ blog post. (Breaking news: I have now been […]