Blog posts by Leanne Coker

  • dxw Workshops: Story Mapping with Leanne Coker

    I wanted to find a song with ‘story’ in the lyrics to play as welcome music for my story mapping workshop this week.  And after at least 3 minutes of brain-wracking, the best I could come up with was the theme to 90s kids TV show Wishbone… so I went with it! Thankfully one of the […]

  • Back to school for better Service Design

    The use of gameplay in user research and service design was a major theme I noticed emerging at the Service Design in Government Conference in Edinburgh last week: We told stories with Duplo in the #playinginthefaceofdeath game run by DWP. We learned how they have used this technique to explore do user research around the […]

  • Mapping User Research Data

    In User Research we deal with a lot of data – it’s the lifeblood of our trade. We work hard to gather rich data about users, capturing it in many forms, and using a wide range of data collection techniques. But getting our hands on the data is only half the story. In order to […]

  • Leanne Coker describes her first few months as a user researcher at dxw…

    Hello! I’m Leanne Coker – the newest User Researcher to join dxw. My dxw journey began at Silicon Milkroundabout back in May while I was walking around with a stickered lanyard around my neck and a batch of CVs in my bag. Then I came across the dxw stand. As someone who’s always worked in […]