
  • We’re Hiring!

    The Dextrous Web is a young start-up, making its first hire. We’re looking for a PHP/Ruby developer to join the team – which is currently one full-timer and a collection of freelance designers and programmers. The Dextrous Web was founded with a specific mission in mind. We want to make useful things on the web…

  • ScenicOrNot’s Secret Project…

    Isn’t secret anymore! MySociety have just taken the wraps off Mapumental, which is a terribly clever mapping application to help you figure out where you want to live if you have a commute (and probable more besides that). We and MySociety teamed up to build ScenicOrNot, which has produced the dataset that Mapumental consults when…

  • ScenicOrNot’s on BBC News

    Just a quickie post — ScenicOrNot, a project we recently completed for MySociety, has been featured in BBC News Online’s Technology section. Predictably, there’s been a big jump in player numbers. We just zoomed past 3000 players, 260,000 votes and over 50,000 places rated. Thanks Auntie!

  • Reforming Ordnance Survey

    People have been talking about the Ordnance Survey rather a lot recently. It’s a very strange beast. It has mountains of really useful data: electoral boundaries, postcode databases and the locations of all sorts of buildings, not to mention roads, railways and green spaces. Unfortunately, it’s a quasi-independent body, which has to pay its own…

  • ScenicOrNot: finding Great Britain’s pretty places

    Last week, we finished a new project. MySociety commissioned us to produce ScenicOrNot. They want to create a “database of scenicness”: something that identifies pretty places and their locations. They came to us with the idea for the site, and we put it together for them over a couple of weeks. The idea behind ScenicOrNot…