Introducing our new dxw brand

Three shapes from dxw brand balanced on each other

We’re now 11 years old, still independent, and a national business with offices in London and Leeds

As you can see, dxw looks a bit different. We’ve been working on our new brand for a while and we’ve launched it today with our new website. A lot of things have changed since we first approached Fieldwork to work with us last year but we’re delighted to make it public at last.

A national, growing business

In September last year, we started work on a new look dxw with a Manchester design agency, Fieldwork. We were excited to work and collaborate with another agency on this project. We talked to lots of people about who we are and what we do and Fieldwork came up with some great designs to reflect what we’re all about.

This is the first time that we’ve rebranded in a while and we thought it was a good time for us. We’re now 11 years old, still independent, a national business with offices in London and Leeds, and we’ve grown consistently over the last few years.

While it’s seen us through a lot of change, we felt our existing brand was starting to look a bit dated. We feel the new branding better reflects the company we’ve become and want to be in the future. We’ll be talking more about the designs and why we chose them in another post.

We’re also dropping the ‘digital’ from our name and will be reverting back to dxw. Now that our other dxw business, dxw cyber, has rebranded as Tradecraft we can be dxw again. But the mission doesn’t change, we’ll still be creating public services that improve lives.

Continuing our work for the public good

Since we started working on our rebrand, we’ve grown our WordPress development, hosting, and support business, completed our work with the Department for Education on making payments to teachers to help recruit and retain them, and worked with more charities to help them improve their online services.

Last year, we did user research with Drinkaware to help them improve the services on their website for people who want to cut down their drinking. And right now we’re working with Mind to help them create an online community that offers peer support.

Since the pandemic, our teams have been supporting and operating critical national infrastructure for NHS England providing coronavirus guidance for clinicians and NHS managers in England and also helping NHSX with a new website. We also host and support the British Business Bank which is providing government-backed finance for UK businesses. As well as delivering all our work remotely, we’ve been helping our clients adjust to remote working too which I’m really proud of.

We’d planned a bigger launch for the new brand earlier this year. But given the unfolding pandemic, this no longer felt appropriate and we put it on hold.

But it’s really satisfying to finally launch it and I must pay tribute to everyone on the team who’s worked so hard to make it a reality.

Now more than ever, we’re proud of the work we do to support the public sector and charities, and today’s a day to celebrate that.